How many people do you know that work hard on their essays, but only get average grades? Almost everyone, right? Avoid making the same, common mistakes by investing in:


Fast-Track to Academic Writing



You’ll get techniques to understand your essay question and focus your reading. You’ll get four types of essay structure, and a simple and effective process for editing like a professional academic writer. These techniques are straight-forward, quick and powerful, so you achieve the grades you want, whilst also freeing up more time so that you can live the life you want, and make a real difference in the world.





Before we go into detail about the training, let us ask you a question:

Which of these apply to you? Are you…


📚 Reading everything and making lots of notes?
📖 Rushing through your referencing?
📝 Making half-hearted attempts at editing, or starting from scratch each time?
✒️ Doing cleaning or other chores to avoid having to sit down and write? 

If so, don’t be ashamed - most people do this at some point.

You're changing how you write, from trying to demonstrate your understanding of textbook facts, to trying to convince the critical reader of your interpretations and your conclusions.

It’s a BIG step!

And most students who are struggling make the same mistakes.

If you dive into reading, without fully understanding the essay question, then you’ll waste time on irrelevant research and writing. Equally, if you underestimate how important a carefully crafted, convincing argument is, then you won’t spend enough time planning and editing, and your reader won’t understand your interpretations or conclusions.

By the time you’ve written a couple of essays, you’ll have noticed that Universities provide little support around learning academic writing, despite it being so challenging to master. 

You’re expected to work most of it out for yourself, BUT, this means you go through trial and error, and make slower progress.

But having someone explain the techniques academics use when writing, helps you reach a higher level of writing, from which, we can challenge you further. 


For any teachers or psychologists out there, you may have heard of this as Vygotsky’s theory on scaffolding (i.e. supporting) a student's learning, to help them move beyond what they can achieve on their own, and into the Zone of Proximal Development. It’s surprising that Higher Education seems to have forgotten this, in favour of large class sizes and hours of independent study.

If you’ve ever experienced ‘writer's-block’ or procrastination, then chances are you can relate to our stories.


We’ve each spent 20 years learning how to overcome obstacles to writing essays, theses, and publications, to become expert academic writers ourselves. And we’ve learned how to teach this to students. Giving students from all backgrounds and abilities these tools, empowers them to have more impact at university, and in life more broadly. This is why we are so passionate about getting them into the hands of more students.

The 100% Satisfaction Guarantee


In fact, we’re so confident that we can help you improve your writing, that if you are unhappy with the course or your progress,we will give you a full refund.

The great thing is, you can now get immediate access to these strategies in Fast-Track To Academic Writing

“I don’t have time for training, and besides, I can’t afford it!”

That's what we thought too until we realised that investing in a blueprint or process from someone that has succeeded in what you’re trying to do, will save you huge amounts of time and effort. 

So, what would you do with lots more free time? 

Focus on more challenging parts of your course, get work-experience, or set-up a business with friends. For the equivalent of £4 a month throughout your degree, you get immediate access to all our writing processes for the entirety of your studies, so you can apply them to all your essays, reports and even dissertations and projects. 

“I could find this information for free by Googling it!”

If this were true, you’d probably have the results you want by now, right?

But don’t just take it from us, take it from one student who said…

"I’ve received my portfolio assignments back, and I got an 82% mark. Thank you very much for your help - your input has had a huge impact on this score!”

Can you imagine what it would be like, if you got 82% for all your assignments?


Our unique, concise strategies have helped hundreds of students improve the quality of their essays and grades in record time

By the time you have finished the 3-part training, you will have completed your reading, interpreted the research and created a well-structured, accurately referenced and clearly explained essay.

Part 1: Don’t start your essay research until you’ve done this! The simple technique to understand exactly what the question is asking? Plus, our strategies to avoid wasting time on irrelevant reading.

Part 2: Use persuasive writing for more than just essay writing. Find out how to use concept mapping to plan the structure of your essay. Discover the most common essay structures, and how to choose one that will strengthen your argument.

Part 3: Explore our process 4-step essay method for editing effectively and efficiently.

Fast-Track to Academic Writing

£147 (Total value £300)

  • On-demand 3 part training (valued at £300)

Fast-Track to Academic Writing (+ Group Coaching)

£247 (Total value £450)

  • On-demand 3 part training (valued at £300)
  • Bonus #1: 3 Essay-writing group consultations
    (valued at £150)

Your Fast-Track to Academic Writing (+ 1-1 Coaching)

£497 (Total value £750)

  • On-demand 3 part training (valued at £300)
  • Bonus #1: 3 Essay-writing group consultations
    (valued at £150)
  • 3 Personalised Essay-writing consultations
    (valued at £300)

PS. The hardest part is saying yes to investing in yourself.